Let me tell you, two consecutive days of two-hour poster sessions is a lot.
IFLA 2016 has two separate days of "manned" poster sessions. I spoke to a lot of interesting people during the poster sessions and gave out quite a few business cards. My co-presenter was not able to make it, so I was on my own for the four hours of poster session—she is responsible for the main design of the poster, which was well-received. I used all three of my foreign languages. Among the most interesting people were the UX professor from Chile who has become the director of UX for the whole campus in Chile and reports directly to their provost. I also spoke with a retired librarian from Berlin (in German!) who worked at the Ibero-Amerikanishes Institut (Institute for Latin American Studies) for the last 14 years of her career. I also saw colleagues from another North Carolina institution, UNC-G. I took 15 minutes of one of the sessions to see a few of the posters. Many of them were well done. Others had the same homemade flair we see at non-international conferences. I also saw one that was done by a former SLIS grad from UW-Madison. Her poster was about using a robot to allow people to experience the library from afar. Another poster of interest was about using card-swiping at the entrance of a BI classroom. I am including photos of my poster,
a link to the poster in the ECU repository, as well as the other two posters I mentioned. Enjoy!
Connect with your Users: Usability Testing and
How User Experience May Actually Work for You |
From Acceptance to Assessment: Academic Librarians CAN Card-Swipe |
Reach Out at Your Library with Telepresence Robot Technology |
representation of the correlation between the parts of a cell and the parts of something that has interdependent components, such as Wood. infographic